Survey on the impact of COVID-19 on CCSA members Survey on the impact of COVID-19 on CCSA members
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The global statistical capacity has been heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Previous assessments have shown to what extent national statistical offices have been squeezed in their capacity to produce and disseminate official statistics. This short survey aims at better understanding how CCSA member agencies themselves are impacted and at fostering coordination in agencies responses. The survey assesses the crisis resilience of CCSA members in five dimensions: 1) strategic priorities, 2) financial resources and crisis preparedness, 3) data production and dissemination, 4) capacity development and technical assistance and 5) financial assistance.


The questionnaire contains 24 questions and takes around 15 minutes to finish. We kindly ask you to submit your response before 25 September (EXTENDED TO 2 OCTOBER). A report with key findings will be published. In addition, all survey data and metadata will be made available to all CCSA members, unless you notify us of restrictions on your own responses.


The survey is designed by PARIS21, UNSD and the World Bank.



General information
(This question is mandatory)
 Please select the name of your organisation:
 Please provide you contact information below:
Section 1 – Strategic priorities
This section focuses on the strategic prioritisation in your organisation due to COVID-19. 
(This question is mandatory)
 1. How strongly is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting your ability to:
Collect data
Analyse data
Disseminate data
Publish data analysis (e.g. in reports)
Design/Implement statistical methods and standards
Provide technical assistance
Provide training
Provide financial assistance
Coordinate with partners
Monitor and evaluate country performance
(This question is mandatory)
 2. Did your organisation (not limited to statistics division) put together a specific COVID-19 response?
 2.1 If yes, please provide the relevant links:
 2.2 If yes, does the specific COVID-19 response above directly address statistical challenges?
(This question is mandatory)
 3. Did your organisation form new partnerships to provide an adequate COVID-19 response?

 3.1 With whom did you form new partnerships specifically with the objective to addressing the COVID-19 pandemic at the national level?

 4. Activities at national, regional and global level may encounter different challenges posed by the pandemic. What activities of your organisation are decentralised? [Decentralised refers to activities provided through local or regional offices.]
Data collection and production
Technical assistance
Financial assistance
Coordinating with partners
Monitoring and evaluation of country performance
Section 2 – Financial resources and crisis preparedness
This section aims to capture the positive and negative financial impact of COVID-19 on your organisation and its activities in data and statistics. It also looks into the crisis responses at the administrative level in your organisation. 
(This question is mandatory)
 5. Due to the crisis, was there a re-allocation of financial resources across your organisation (e.g. shifting financial resources from one project to another)?
 5.1 If yes, how did this affect the financial resources for data and statistics in your organisation?
(This question is mandatory)
 6. Due to the crisis, have total financial resources in your organisation changed?
(This question is mandatory)
 7. How have the total financial resources available for data and statistics in your organisation changed?
(This question is mandatory)
 8. As consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, for how long did your organisation impose travel restrictions on its staff?
(This question is mandatory)
 9. How is your organisation prepared for future crises?
Section 3 – Data production and dissemination
This section focuses on how the COVID-19 has affected data collected, produced and disseminated by your organisation. 
(This question is mandatory)
 10. What impact did the COVID-19 pandemic have on the data collected from countries by your organisation?
 10.1 Does the "Negative impact on timeliness of data delivery" still exist?
 10.2 Does the "Negative impact on accuracy of data" still exist? 
 10.3a You selected "Other negative impact", could you please specify?
 10.3b Does this impact still exist? 
 10.4 You selected "Positive impact", could you please specify?
(This question is mandatory)
 11. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, did you engage in the following alternatives:
 11.1 What private data sources did you use?
 11.2 Please specify the alternative public data sources: 
 12. In response to the pandemic, which additional data products have you been able to produce?
"Additional data products" refer to the products that were not planned prior to the pandemic, or the ones that are not likely to be produced if the pandemic did not happen. 
 13. If you engaged in COVID-19 related data collection, did you work with/through the National Statistical Office and/or the relevant line ministry of the NSS?
 14. In your opinion, current efforts to collect data on COVID-19 in countries/regions your organization is working in are well coordinated?
Section 4 – Capacity development and technical assistance
This section focuses on how your organisation continues and innovates in its capacity development and technical assistance programmes.
 15. To support partner countries in data production during the COVID-19 pandemic, have you adjusted your technical assistance plan to provide more of the following types of assistance? 
 16. To support countries during the COVID-19 pandemic, have you engaged in the following types of remote capacity development?
 17. If you provided online courses and trainings prior to the pandemic, have you observed a significant change in attendance?
 18. How did you re-organise the technical assistance you provided?
Remote support
Face-to-face implementation through country offices
Face-to-face implementation through contractors
 18.1 Please specify the "Other" technical assistance that you referred to in the above question:
 19. Can you specify the income status of the majority of beneficiary countries that required technical assistance?
(This question is mandatory)
 20. Did you help partner countries to engage in new partnerships to provide an adequate COVID-19 response? 
 20.1 If yes, please indicate which type of partnerships your partner countries engaged in with the objective to deliver amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
 21. To support partner countries in their operations during the COVID-19, have you provided/are you providing National Statistical Offices (NSOs) with technical assistance or training on the use of alternative data sources (e.g. remote sensing data, citizen-generated and social media data, etc) for the production of statistics?
 21.1 If yes, please specify countries/regions and the type of support.
Section 5 – Financial assistance
This section focuses on how your organisation has allocated financial support and provided new technical assistance for your partner countries. 
 22. Have you provided additional funding to partner countries to support them amidst the COVID-19 pandemic? 
 23. Have you supported partner countries on how to mobilise additional funding amidst the COVID-19 crisis?
 24. To support partner countries in their operations during COVID-19, have you provided/are you providing NSOs with technical or financial assistance towards ugrading digital/ICT infrastructure facilitating remote work, remote training, data collection and data storage?
 24.1 If yes, in which countries/regions was your organization most active?
Data sharing agreement
(This question is mandatory)
Do you agree that your data be accessible to the other CCSA agencies? Your personal contact information entered at the beginning of the survey will not be shared.